Exclusively Twins

Frequently Asked Questions
Why use Exclusively Twins online dating site?
Why date another twin?
How does Exclusively Twins work?
The Exclusively Twins Main Page explained
Why be a registered member?
How to become a registered member

Are members on this site screened?

Is content of this site monitored?

Detailed HELP for registered members

Logging in as a registered member

Understanding the icons toolbar

Using the dropdown menu

How to search our database

How to publish your own profile
How to update your profile
Publishing a photo
Reading and sending messages
Forgotten your password?
Having difficulties using the site?

Understanding the little icons
adds this page to your favourites make this your browser start page
search profiles search member photo gallery

register as a new user

view site statistics
email lost password login for registered members
main page print this page
a male profile a female profile

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Why use Exclusively Twins online dating site?

Brought to you by Twins Realm, Exclusively Twins is the world's first site exclusively for Twin dating. The Exclusively Twins online dating site is a modern and fun way to meet other single twins and multiples.

We provide members with an easy, enjoyable and discreet way of making contact with other twin members, enabling new friendships, maybe romance and the possibility of developing new and lasting relationships.

These days it can be difficult to meet the "right" person. That's why many online agencies are becoming more and more popular. People join them for a number of reasons; they are busy, work in male/female dominated fields, friends are all married or in couples, they're new to town or simply not into the bar and club scene. Everyone has the same goal - to meet someone special.

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Why date another twin?
Research has shown us that many twins suffer difficulties in their relationships with "partner jealousy" - when their partner doesn't understand their special twin relationship. Dating another twin could be the answer!! Exclusively Twins is a perfect place for twins (and higher order multiples) to make contact with other twins for real international friendships and hopefully find love, marriage and fulfillment of your dreams.......

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How does Exclusively Twins work?
Just log in to Exclusively Twins to view details of twins around the world who are interested in meeting other twins. As a member of Exclusively Twins, you can make contact with other members in two different ways:
1. you can add your profile and simply wait for others to contact you or;
2. you can make the first move by browsing other member profiles, and then messaging them when you find someone who interests you.

We even allow a simple search of the Exclusively Twins database without actually registering (so you can look around the site). You only need to register if you want to publish your own profile or send messages to other twins you find on the site. Registration is simple - click here for instructions.

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The Exclusively Twins Main Page
The Exclusively Twins main page consists of five main areas:

1. The Exclusively Twins toolbar - see icons
2. Simple search - for non-registered members
3. Entry for registered users - log in using your nic and password
4. Database statistics
5. Register now - for new members

Simple search (for non-registered users)
Entry for Registered Users (log in using your nic and password)
Database Statistics: total number of profiles, visits etc.
Registration for new users

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Why be a registered member?
As a non-registered user you can search the Exclusively Twins database but you are not able to send messages to any of our members. You also need to be a registered member to display your own profile to other twins.

Once you are registered and approved, you can update your own profile, upload multiple photos, send private messages to other members and read messages which have been left for you!

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How to become a registered member
Registering is very simple!
At the Exclusively Twins main page just click on the REGISTER now link or the light bulb icon on the toolbar.

Choose your favourite nic, a password and list your email address. Fill out your profile, upload a picture (if you like) and wait to be approved by the webmaster. We'll email you as soon as your profile is approved!

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Are members on this site screened?
In short no. Our service is confidential, and there is no way that we can do extensive background checks on members. We expect you to understand that we cannot take responsibility for any pain, damage or suffering arising from your use of this site. Members are warned to be extremely careful when giving out personal information such as real names, telephone numbers, and addresses.

The Exclusively Twins site enables members to Send and Receive private mail messages discreetly without ever having to reveal their personal contact details. When you receive a private Exclusively Twins message it is emailed to you directly via our emailing program. It is advisable to use a free email account such as those provided by Yahoo or Hotmail for initial contacts with people you locate here (once you start communicating via email). Please use your common sense and be careful about giving out personal information to people you meet on this site (or anywhere else on the internet).

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Is content of this site monitored?
As detailed in our terms of use, whilst this is an over 18's site, it is not an "Adults Only" site; we expect that all members show the utmost respect for one another and at all times act with decorum, responsibility and good judgment to ensure the Exclusively Twins service remains of the highest standard for everyone's enjoyment.

Any member of the site found harassing other members, posting obscene material, or otherwise breaching our terms of use, will be deleted from the site in accordance with the terms of use. Please ensure you have read and fully understood our terms of use before using this site.

Help us to help you - If at any time you find another member's behaviour offensive or disturbing please let us know immediately.

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Logging in as a registered member
At the Exclusively Twins main page fill in your nic and password in the "Entry for registered users" area and click ENTER. Or just click on the padlock icon on the toolbar and fill in your details to enter.

If your registration has been successful and your profile has been approved you will get a page "successful entry" and you can then make selections from the dropdown menu for registered users at the bottom of the page.

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Using the dropdown menu!
After you register and log in as a registered user you can make selections from the dropdown menu at the bottom of the screen. This will allow you to access various areas of the Exclusively Twins site including:
Editing or deleting your profile
Editing or deleting your photo
3. Changing your password and/or email address
Read messages that have been left for you
5. Search our database (and send messages to members!)

Just select the option you want and click "go"

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Searching our database
Once you have logged in as a registered user select "search our database" from the dropdown menu. You will be presented with a series of searchable options. Simply input your desired options and click on "search".

To make extra search options available tick the checkbox "extended search" and then click on "search". The search form on the new page will include extra search criteria for you to select from.

You may also search the database using the photo gallery option. This will search the database using only profiles that contain a photo. To do a photo gallery search tick the checkbox "photo gallery" before submitting your search. All the profiles that match your criteria will then be displayed as a series of photos with a few vital statistics next to each one. You can view each member's full profile by clicking on their nic which is displayed above their photo. Their full profile will then be displayed in a new window.

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How to publish your own profile
To publish your profile you must first become a registered user. Once you are a registered user you can log in and fill in your profile details by selecting "edit/delete profile" from the dropdown menu. You will be presented with a personal details questionnaire. Answer as much of the questionnaire as you like and add some extra information about yourself in the free text area. The extra information about yourself is a very important part of your profile; it is your chance to add that little something extra to help your profile stand out from the rest. Remember, it is in your own interest to answer all questions honestly. Please note - profiles with less than 5% complete will not be published.

The first time your profile is completed and submitted, the profile is queued for approval by the webmaster. The information is checked and any inconsistencies or problems identified. When approval is given, an email is sent advising you that it has been approved and giving you the page where you can log into the site.

To update your profile at a later stage, all you have to do is log in and select "Edit/delete your Profile" from the dropdown menu. Make any changes you wish and then click on "update now" to apply the changes to your profile.

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Publishing a photo
When you are a registered user you can also publish a photo of yourself for free. Publishing your photo will significantly increase your chances of finding friends, penpals and even love.

How to upload your photo: First log in. Then select "Edit/delete your Photo" from the registered members dropdown menu. Then you have a few different ways you can publish your photo in your profile.

From your computer - Press the browse button to find and select your photo file. You will see the directory structure of your computer. Navigate to your photo file, select it and press the "open" button. You should then see the path to your photo file on your computer (something like this) C:\Windows\Desktop\myphoto.gif Now press the "Add/change photo" button to upload the photo to your profile.
From the Internet [sorry - this option is currently unavailable]

Please press the "Add/change photo" button only once and wait for the photo to be uploaded. Uploading time depends on the size of your photo and can be up to several minutes. When the upload is complete the page will refresh with your current picture visible.

You may also add up to two other photos and some notes about each picture to your Photo Gallery using the above methods.

If your photo is not uploading correctly
First check that the file you are trying to upload meet the following file format and size requirements:
File Format: gif or jpg ONLY
Size: Not more than 200 Kb Dimensions: Not more than 700 x 600 pixels

If your photo is not visible, try searching the database to view your own profile and you should see your photo displayed. If your photo is still not visible please email us and we will check it for you. If you can't upload your photo simply email it to us and we can add it to your profile. Please make sure you include your nick in the email.

Please note pornography is not permitted on the site and will result in termination of your account - refer to our Terms of Use for details.

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Reading and Sending messages using the Exclusively Twins
The Exclusively Twins site enables you to Send and Receive private mail discreetly to and from other members without ever having to reveal you personal contact details. Message delivering is immediate, so there are no postage delays or annoying answering machines. When you receive a private message at Exclusively Twins, it is emailed to you directly without the inconvenience of you having to log in regularly to check if you have received mail. Remember to log in though as you will display higher on search results if you have logged in recently.

You must be logged in as a registered user to check your messages at the site and to send private messages to other members.

Reading your messages at the site: Once you have logged in, simply select "check messages" from the dropdown menu to view the messages that have been left for you. The messages will remain on the site for 60 days unless you delete them sooner by clicking the delete button while viewing them.

Sending messages to other members:
*Make sure you have logged in first*
To send a message to another member, find the member you wish to message by searching the database. Once you have found the person you wish to message - click on the link to their profile. This will open a new page showing their complete profile with a "message" field at the bottom of the profile page (provided you have logged in).

Type in the text you wish to send, also complete your nick and password and then simply click the "send message" button. The person you are messaging will immediately be emailed the message that you have sent to them (remember to include your nic so they can reply to you). Remember you must be logged in as a registered member for the messaging field to be available.

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Forgot your password?
If you lose or forget your password you can have it sent to your registered email address (to do this you must remember your nic). At the main entry screen simply click on the text link that says "lost your password? click here". You will be asked to input your nic and then your password will be emailed to your registered email address.
If you have forgotten your nic you will need to contact us via email.

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Having difficulties using the site?
We are happy to help with any technical queries or difficulties. Please just email mail us your questions at admin@twinsrealm.com

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page last updated April 2005 back to home