Baby blocks

Photos of Flame's Kids

Baby blocks

Flame and 3 kids

Flame with her 3 children - 2011

Flame now has 3 wonderful children:

  • Phoenix - a darling 6 year old boy
  • Isabel - a dear 4 year old little girl
  • Saxon - a cutie 1 year old baby boy

Email Flame directly via:

Flame gave birth to a beautiful baby boy named Phoenix 25th January 2005.

Flame and Phoenix

Flame and Phoenix (only a few days old)

Phoenix sleeping

Phoenix sleeping (a few weeks old)


Phoenix sleeping (2 months old)

Lake and Phoenix

Aunty Lakey holding Phoenix

Che and Phoenix

Uncle Che holding Phoenix

Felicity and Phoenix

Phoenix (2 months old) sleeping on Grandma Felicity's shoulder

Flame, Lake, Che and Phoenix

Flame, Lake (holding Phoenix) and Che all busy adoring the new baby Phoenix!

Flame, Phoenix and Lake

Flame, Phoenix (1 year) and Aunty Lakey paddling in the ocean at Bribie Island

Flame and Phoenix

Flame and Phoenix (1 year)

Felicity, Flame and Phoenix

Grandma Felicity, Flame and Phoenix (1 year) at the 1st Australian Twins Plus festival in Canberra 2006.
Phoenix has been busy growing into a wonderful little boy over the last 6 years and now has a little sister (Isabel) and a baby brother (Saxon). Here's a few more recent pics showing you what a darling little man he's become.

Phoenix tiger

Phoenix as a cute little tiger (2½ years old)

Phoenix and Lake

Phoenix (almost 3 years old) and Aunty Lakey

Lake, Flame and Phoenix

Aunty Lakey, Flame and Phoenix (almost 3 years old)


Phoenix clean and fresh from the bath (3½ years old)


Phoenix in the bush camping (4 years old)

Phoenix and Isabel

Phoenix (5 years old) and Isabel (3 years old) all ready for a fun day out.

Isabel, Saxon and Phoenix

Phoenix (5 years old), Isabel (almost 3) and Saxon (only a few days old)


Phoenix ready for a day at school (5½ years old)


Phoenix (5½ years old)

Phoenix and Saxon

Phoenix (6 years old) helping Saxon (1 year) on the slide.


Very neat looking Phoenix (6 years old)

Flame gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Isabel 20th May 2007.


Isabel sleeping (a few weeks old)

Flame and Isabel

Flame holding Isabel (6 weeks old)

Felicity and Isabel

Grandma Felicity smiling with Isabel (3½ months old)

Isabel and Lake

Aunty Lake and Isabel (6 months old)


Isabel in her highchair (almost 1 year)

Isabel and Flame

Isabel (1 year) and Flame


Isabel (almost 1½ years old)

Isabel and Lake

Isabel (2½ years old) wearing Aunty Lakey shoes

Isabel fairy

Isabel as a fairy (2½ years old)

Isabel and Flame

Isabel (2½ years old) and Flame at the beach

blowing bubbles

Grandma Felicity, Isabel (2½ years old), Aunty Lakey and Phoenix (almost 5 years old) blowing bubbles.

Isabel face painted

Isabel face painted (3½ years old)

Flame gave birth to a beautiful baby boy named Saxon 10th April 2010.

Saxon newborn

Saxon sleeping (only a few days old)

Baby Saxon

Saxon very alert (a few weeks old)

Flame and Saxon

Flame and Saxon (a couple of months old)

Isabel, Flame and Saxon

Isabel (3 years old), Flame and Saxon (only a couple of months old)

Isabel, Saxon and Phoenix

Isabel (3½ years old), Saxon (4 months) and Phoenix (5½ years old) all together on the couch.

Saxon 8 months

Saxon (8 months old) just getting the hang of being independently upright.

Saxon almost 1 yr

Saxon (almost 1 year old)

Saxon and Phoenix

Saxon opening a birthday present (1 year) with Phoenix assisting (6 years old)

That's all the pics for now. Hope you've enjoyed seeing Flame's darling kids - Phoenix, Isabel and Saxon.

You can email Flame directly via:

page last updated June 2011 back to home